LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023  LONDON ART WEEK WINTER 1-8 December 2023  - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: londonartweek

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Wann: 01.12.2023 - 08.12.2023

Over 50 leading fine art dealers offer Digital & In-Gallery Exhibions & Events

LAW SYMPOSIUM 2023 -Naonal Portrait Gallery -Conserva on & Framing

A busy eight days in early December will see the capital’s leading auc;on houses and fine art galleriesfrom around the UK and Europe taking part in the Winter 2023 edi;on of London Art Week from Friday 1 to…

Over 50 leading fine art dealers offer Digital & In-Gallery Exhibions & Events

LAW SYMPOSIUM 2023 -Naonal Portrait Gallery -Conserva on & Framing

A busy eight days in early December will see the capital’s leading auc;on houses and fine art galleriesfrom around the UK and Europe taking part in the Winter 2023 edi;on of London Art Week from Friday 1 to Friday 8 December. Exhibi;ons and sales willtake place online and in galleries across central London, revealing important and exci;ng works. From Renaissance and Old Master rari;es to Modern and Contemporary pain;ngs,drawingsand sculpture, and encompassing excep;onal works of artand craNsmanship,including,rare furniture, booksand manuscripts,this year’s Winter edi;on of London Art Week offers the best selec;on of the finest art on the market.

The 2023 LAW Symposium, The Art of Conservation -Preservation, Restoration and Framing, takes placeon Tuesday 5 Decemberat the recently reopened National Portrait Gallery.In partnership with The Burlington Magazine, there will bethree panel talks with leading curators, conservators and LAW experts. Thesewill investigatesuch topics as:how study informs conservation treatment;exciting moments from the history of conservation, including important contributions from women, based on the panellists' articles in The BurlingtonMagazine'snew publication The Art of Conservationco-published with Paul Holberton (pre-launch on the day); and historic picture frames and their changing fashions, 27 years after the UK's first exhibition devoted to picture frames was held at the National Portrait Gallery. Lynn Roberts and Paul Mitchell, authors of Frameworks, Form, Function & Ornamentand A History of European Picture Frames, who were closely involved with thatexhibition, will be joined by conservators from the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery. Tickets to the Symposium are £20.

Several talks will take place duringLondon Art Week rela;ng toexhibions: Monday 4 December –More6 Fine Artwill hold a discussion in their gallery aboutThe execuEon of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche, apreparatorysketch rediscovered(;me TBC).Tuesday 5 December 7:00-8:30pm –coinciding with his exhibi;on at DavidMessumFine Art, ar;st Sean Jefferson will discuss the many layers of symbolism in his Twelve Days of Christmas (online +booking fee)Wednesday 6 December 6:00pm –at Shapero Modernar;st, printmaker and designerRory Huhonwill give a half hour talk on his most recent work.

Among exhibi,ons and auc,ons to visit in person duringLAW Winter this December:

In Mayfair...Stephen Ongpin Fine Art4-20 December: Annual Christmas exhibion of over sixtyOld Master, 19thcentury and Modern drawings and watercolours priced between £500 and £15,000. Sam FoggSam Fogg will be presen;ng a selec;on of new acquisi;ons and highlights across the mediums of medieval sculpture, pain;ng, metalwork, ceramics and stained glass, all produced between 1200 and 1520.Ben Elwes Fine ArtUntil 15 December:ForthefirsttimeintheUK,agroupofsevenmonumentalpaintingsbytheAymaraBolivianartistAlejandroMarioYllanes(1913-c.1960)whichhavenotbeenseeninpublicforover30years.ShaperoModern 22 November-22 December: Prints by Rory Hutton, award-winning British artist, printmaker and historian, well-known for his series of scarves created for museums and cultural institutions.

Peter Harrington16-25 Novemberthen online: Classic first ediEons, Christmas ephemera and fesEve artworks by celebrated arEsts-first edi;ons of Christmas classics by Charles Dickens, Clement C. Moore, Agatha Chris;e and J.K. Rowling, to charming originalpoems, royal gree;ng cards, evoca;ve Victorian chromolithographic books and original artwork from ;meless tales. Con;nuesonline through December.Bonhams22 November-7 December: Classic Week auc;ons, including Old Master Pain;ngs on 6 December.

In St. James’s... Eros Gallery *new par:cipantfor Winter 2023 1-22 December: a new project from Willoughby Gerrish, Eros Gallery is dedicated to artworks from the 19th and early 20th century, with a specific interest in sculpture.It launches with a highly significant exhibi;on exploring the parallels between two ground-breaking sculptors: Auguste Rodin, and his contemporary Aime-Jules Dalou, greatly celebrated in his own ;me yet today barely known beyond ar;s;c circles. This major survey features over 50 works of art drawn primarily from three important collec;ons.

Clase Fine Art6-20 December: in partnership with Fiumano Clase, a winter exhibi;on Chasing Elsewhere, a group selling show by contemporary ar;sts curated by Karen Tronel.

Guy PeppiaH Fine Art27Nov-15 December: One Hundred Drawings and Watercoloursfeaturing works on paper by Bri;sh ar;sts of the 18th, 19thand 20thcenturies including landscapes, studies, portraits and animals.

David MessumFine Art29 Nov-22 December: Sean Jefferson : The Twelve Days of Christmas & Other Works, curated by David Boyd Haycock. Contemporary works inspired by the popular folkloric carol.

Colnaghi1December 2023 -5 January 2024: Sorolla: A CelebraEon of Life -thisseminal show will feature fiNeenmasterpieces by Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923), several of which are newto the market. 2023 marks the centenary of his death, a fiong occasion to honour the major role he played within the canon of Spanish art history. Together with John Singer Sargent and Giovanni Boldini, he was the most celebrated painter of his ;me, whose output is key to understanding fin de siècle European art.

More6Fine Art1-15 December: The execuEon of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche, apreparatorysketch rediscovered.

ChrisIe’s7-15 December: Classic Week auc;ons including Old Masters Part I on 7 December and Old Masters Part II Pain;ngs, Drawings & Watercolours on 8 December.

And galleryexhibi;ons elsewhere across London...Haynes Fine Art / Pimlico Road1-23 December: Cityscapes-pain;ngs of London, Paris and Venice by 19thto 21stcentury ar;sts such as Edouard Cortès, Charles Malle, Claude Venard, David Shepherd and Haynes’ resident contemporary ar;st Tony Karpinski.

AbboH & Holder / BloomsburyDecember:List 543.

Finch & Co / CromwellPlace5-10 December: Anew catalogue and corresponding exhibi;on, a highlight of which is an extremely rare and very fine ivory Turned Box andCover with the Tudor Rose ahributedto the ‘Master Turner’ to the Court of Henry VIII, c. 1540-60. Avery similar turning is the ivory turned case housing a miniature of Ann of Cleves by Hans Holbein, 1539, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

OnlineExhibi;ons and Highlight worksto discover via the LAW website...Patrick Bourne & CoHighlight: as leading dealers in the works ofSir William Nicholson (1872-1949), the gallery will showcaseSnow at Bretton Park, a 1939 signed oil on panel.

Karen Taylor Fine ArtHighlight:a powerful drawing by the French painter, sculptor and etcherAlphonse Legros(1837-1911) who moved to London at the behest of Whistler in 1863. He became Professor of Fine Art at the Slade from 1875-1892, layingthe foundation for the School’stradition of fine draughtsmanship.

Nonesuch GalleryOnline exhibi;on:Drawings & PainEngs from France c.1600-1900, includes a single work from a now dispersed comprehensive visual catalogue depic;ng the proper;es and lands of the Duc du Croÿ (1560-1612), a gouache on vellum showing The Village & Chateau D'agimont(1597) From The Albums De Croÿ by Adrien De Mon;gny (Fl.1590-1610). Amir Mohtashemi Highlight:Aunique twelve-leaf folding screen, made in late seventeenth-century South China for the local market, which belongs to a rare group of about eight other known lacquered screens of the period depic;ng Dutchmen. Related examples are in the Na;onal Museumof Denmark, Copenhagen, the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Dominic Fine ArtHighlight: SEll Life of Fish / Ingredients for a Bouillabaisse, by Auguste Lauzet (1863-1898), dedicated “a L’excellent ami Paul Guigou | A Lauzet 82”. Lauzet was one of the few mourners at Vincent van Gogh’s funeral and is men;oned in 16 of his lehers sent between December 1889 and Vincent’s death in July 1890, around which ;me Theo van Gogh had suggested the two ar;sts share a studio in Paris.

Paolo AntonacciHighlight: Oswald Achenbach (A827-1905), View of the piazza del Quirinale in Rome, shown here for the first time on the market. The paintingcomes from an illustrious German family who had left it on permanent loan to the Kunstmuseum in Düsseldorf, whereit was displayed from 1983 onwards.

H. Blairman & SonsHighlight: a pair of armchairs from the collec;on of William Beckford, possibly from Fonthill Abbey. English, 1827-1844.

Stuart Lochhead SculptureHighlight: a fine terracoha portrait bust by Joseph Chinard (1756-1813), the most accomplished sculptor in post-Revolu;onary France, and a rare documented commission. It represents Alexis Guiffrey, the son of a Lyonnais merchant, at the age of three. Commissioned by the parents of the siher the bust was executed ‘from life’ by Chinard in 1803, and eventually formed part of the collec;on of the famous French art historian Jules Guiffrey, the nephew of Alexis.

E&H MannersHighlight: a biscuit porcelain bust aNer the model by Johann Goyried Schadow (1764-1850) made by the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur, Berlin c. 1874. It depicts Crown Princess Luise of Prussia (Luise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1776-1810)) who married Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia on the 24 December 1793. Her sister Friederike married his younger brother a few days later. Their arrival in Berlin caused a sensa;on, with Schadow sta;ng “a magic spell had taken effect in Berlin, extending through all estates, with the appearance of the aristocra;c sisters”.

Thomas Coulborn& SonsHighlight: an extremely rare mechanical George IV octagonal parquetry table c. 1825. It features a beau;ful octagonal oak top with parquetry blocks pahern and decora;ve stringing to the edges, but its most remarkable secret is the lockable catch on the underside of the top which reveals piano style keys -when depressed, each open a corresponding ‘hidden’ drawer. The lock is stamped ‘GR’.

Reve ArtOnline exhibition: Venezia ‘900. From Biennale to Ca’ Pesaro

Stair SaintyHighlight: The Woman in Black, c.1885by Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931). Forain, a former student of Jean-Léon Gérôme at the École de beaux Arts in Paris was an associate of the Impressionists and is perhaps best remembered as a lead caricaturist of the Belle Époque. He worked for Le Figaro for over 30 years and his drawings of the everyday life of Parisians went on to inspire artists such as Henri Toulouse-Lautrec. The Fine Art Society Highlight: Frederick Burrows (fl. 1900), Design for silk for the National Competition, 1902, signed and inscribed in pen and pencil–a work in watercolour, gouache and pencil on paperthat was exhibitedat theVictoria & Albert Museum, NaEonal CompeEEon for the Schools of Artin 1902. This work can be seen at FAS Edinburgh in an exhibi;on Frederick Burrows -Tex E l e D e s i g n sopen un;l 22 December 2023.

EllioH Fine ArtOnline exhibi;on: A Different Vision: PainEngs and Drawings from the 20th Centuryshowsthe talents of lesser-known ar;sts deserving greater ahen;on, or shedslight on overlooked aspects of major figures.

Colnaghi EllioH Master DrawingsOnline exhibi;on: Drawings from the 19thCentury.

Daniel Katz GalleryHighlight: Isaac Israels was a leading figure of the Amsterdam Impressionism movement. He spent much ;me in Paris from the 1890s where he enjoyed pain;ng city life en plein air, developing a dis;nc;ve style. Herelocated to London in 1913, where he redirected his ar;s;c interests toward the dynamic study of boxers and wrestlers. Two Boxersis one of the largest and arguably the most successful of this fascina;ng series of pictures.

Antoine Bouvard Snr (1870-1955), The Santa Maria Della Salute& Looking Towards The Doge’s Palace, (one of a pair), oil on canvas, Haynes Fine Art; Antoine Bouvard Snr (1870-1955), The Santa Maria Della Salute& Looking Towards The Doge’s Palace, (one of a pair), oil on canvas, Haynes Fine Art; - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: londonartweek / London Art Week Camillo Innocenti(1871-1961), The Sicilian Cart (Il Carretto Siciliano), 1917, oil on canvas, Reve Art Camillo Innocenti(1871-1961), The Sicilian Cart (Il Carretto Siciliano), 1917, oil on canvas, Reve Art - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: londonartweek / London Art Week A pair of chairs from the collec^on of William Beckford, English 1827-1844, H. Blairman & Sons; A pair of chairs from the collec^on of William Beckford, English 1827-1844, H. Blairman & Sons; - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: londonartweek / London Art Week
Tags: Alte Meister, Jan Brueghel d. Ä., Kunst, Malerei, Meisterwerke, Paul Jenkins, Peter Paul Rubens, Serge Ivanoff, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen


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