A. Khoroshilova, Basilicata, 2018, c-print, 75x60cm, Ed.6                      M. Brenner, who knows (detail), 2021, mixed media/canvas, 150x180cm A. Khoroshilova, Basilicata, 2018, c-print, 75x60cm, Ed.6 M. Brenner, who knows (detail), 2021, mixed media/canvas, 150x180cm - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriehilger

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 24.11.2022 - 12.01.2023

ANASTASIA KHOROSHILOVA:‘I want to tell stories. Stories that are not tied to a place, that deal with real people, events and destinies. My works are based on dialogue and mutual respect even before photographing and intend to continue the dialogue with the viewer, who decides what can happen, what can be achieved, and what can be changed.’ - Anastasia Khoroshilova


ANASTASIA KHOROSHILOVA:‘I want to tell stories. Stories that are not tied to a place, that deal with real people, events and destinies. My works are based on dialogue and mutual respect even before photographing and intend to continue the dialogue with the viewer, who decides what can happen, what can be achieved, and what can be changed.’ - Anastasia Khoroshilova

MAX BRENNER:The future is always just a moment away, and nobody knows what it contains. The way to react to current events is decided at the moment. Hence the possibility of a crash is always just a moment away from us. Whether we can escape our role as history's crash dummies is one of the central questions that Max Brenner's works pose.

Opening: Thursday, November 24th 2022, 7pm - 9pm

The artists will be present at the opening Introduction by Marija Nunjic

Location: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Ballgasse 1, 1010 Vienna

Exhibition dates: November 24th 2022 - January 12th 2023

Tags: Asgar/Gabriel, Farbfotografie, Installation, Malerei

Galerie Ernst Hilger DorotheergasseDorotheergasse 51010 WienT: (+43) 1 512 53 15E: ernst.hilger@hilger.atwww.hilger.atÖffnungszeiten/ Opening Hours:Tue-Fr: 11-6 pmSa: 11-3 pm
Galerie Ernst Hilger BallgasseBallgasse 11010 WienT: (+43) 1 512 53 15 200E: michaela.pedratscher@hilger.atwww.hilger.atÖffnungszeiten/ Opening Hours:Tue-Fr: 11-6 pmSa: 11-3 pm

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