Jakob Kirchmay Jakob Kirchmay - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriehilger

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 05.11.2022

On the occasion of the solo exhibition "A glimpse of memory and time" by Jakob Kirchmayr, we are pleaseed to invite you to a matinee and reading.

Saturday 5 November from 12pm to 3pm Ernst Hilger Gallery, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna

The award-winning author Heinz Janisch will be reading from his book "Herr Kubin zieht den Hut", which was artistically designed by…

On the occasion of the solo exhibition "A glimpse of memory and time" by Jakob Kirchmayr, we are pleaseed to invite you to a matinee and reading.

Saturday 5 November from 12pm to 3pm Ernst Hilger Gallery, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna

The award-winning author Heinz Janisch will be reading from his book "Herr Kubin zieht den Hut", which was artistically designed by Jakob Kirchmayr and published in a limited and signed edition by Toni Kurz / Edition Thurnhof.

The reading and the following discussion between the two artists will take place at 2 pm.

Drinks and snacks will be served.

We look forward to welcoming you.Ernst Hilger & Team

Tags: Jakob Kirchmayr, Malerei

Opening: Tuesday, October 11th 2022 7pm - 9pm
The artist will be present at the openingIntroduction by Elsy Lahner (Albertina)
Exhibition dates: October 12th - November 19th 2022Location: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna

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