Ausstellungsansicht "Albrecht Dürer" 2019 (c) Foto frei von Rechten.
Pieter Bruegel d. Ä. Die großen Fische fressen die kleinen, 1556 © Albertina, Wien
The first European Atlas of China from 1655, based on the surveys of the Italian Jesuit Martino Martini who set off for China in 1640. Martini is now hailed as the “father of Chinese geography”, being the first to create scientific maps of the region. Containing 17 hand-coloured maps. Est. £12,000-18,000 (lot 15).
Book Fair - Children's, Illustrated and Modern First Editions
Libri Antichi e di Pregio a Milano - 3rd Milan International Antiquarian Book Fair
Journées du livre ancien et de la bibliophilie d'Auvergne
Maastricht Antiquarian Book & Print Fair
Foire du livre et du papier de collection - Beurs van het boek en waardevolle documenten