Tony Cragg, Studio View March 2019. Hollowhead, 2019. Bronze, 77 x 43 x 44 cm. Photograph by Michelle Schmitt. Quote taken from Tony Cragg’s Inaugural Speech at College de France, Paris, October 24th 2013. Tony Cragg, Studio View March 2019. Hollowhead, 2019. Bronze, 77 x 43 x 44 cm. Photograph by Michelle Schmitt. Quote taken from Tony Cragg’s Inaugural Speech at College de France, Paris, October 24th 2013. - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: ropac

Was: Presse

Wann: 29.03.2020

The opening of our Tony Cragg exhibition INHABITANTS: SCULPTURE has been postponed until January 2021, but in the meantime we want to share an update on exciting developments direct from his studio, along with his resonant perspective on artistic practice.

As with music the making of sculptures and paintings also takes place in a time frame during which the flow of the…

The opening of our Tony Cragg exhibition INHABITANTS: SCULPTURE has been postponed until January 2021, but in the meantime we want to share an update on exciting developments direct from his studio, along with his resonant perspective on artistic practice.

As with music the making of sculptures and paintings also takes place in a time frame during which the flow of the artist's thoughts and emotions are reflected in the material. He moves, the material moves, he looks and thinks, makes decisions and then moves again, the material moves giving him a new form to consider. Every change in form or volume, in silhouette and surface provides a new feeling, emotion or even idea. The product of this prolonged sequence of actions is a dialogue with the material that leads the artist to new and stronger forms of expression that he could not have foreseen, planned or made in any other way. – Tony Cragg

The scuplture shown above will form part of a comprehensive overview of Cragg's new body of work in his tenth exhibition with Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, now scheduled to open in Salzburg in January 2021. Recent institutional presentations of Cragg’s work include the Franz Marc Museum in Kochel am See (June – October 2019); a major installation of his works at The Boboli Gardens, Uffizi Galleries in Florence (May – October 2019); and at Museu Brasileiro da Escultura e Ecologia (MuBE) in Sao Paulo (December 2019 – March 2020).

Tags: Bildende Kunst, Skulpturen, Tony Cragg

29. JULI - 31. AUGUST 2017

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