THOMAS FEUERSTEIN     MR. MOL     2020 - 2022     Bioreactor, steel, glass, plastic, pumps, fermenter technology, mirrors, MDF, paint     350 x 140 x 180 cm THOMAS FEUERSTEIN MR. MOL 2020 - 2022 Bioreactor, steel, glass, plastic, pumps, fermenter technology, mirrors, MDF, paint 350 x 140 x 180 cm - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: thoman

Wer: thoman

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 25.11.2023 - 24.02.2024

WHOLE DEARTH CATALOG & GOOD ROTTEN GOODS forms the fifth chapter of Thomas Feuerstein’s METABOLICA-project, guiding us into a factory of life and narrating a history of change: from the industrial revolution to the present and future, from whaling to petrochemistry to utopian scenarios of biochemistry. Living organisms like algae and bacteria become collaborators in…
WHOLE DEARTH CATALOG & GOOD ROTTEN GOODS forms the fifth chapter of Thomas Feuerstein’s METABOLICA-project, guiding us into a factory of life and narrating a history of change: from the industrial revolution to the present and future, from whaling to petrochemistry to utopian scenarios of biochemistry. Living organisms like algae and bacteria become collaborators in Feuerstein’s work, leading to new aesthetics and artistic practice through scientifically developed processes. Chapters two and five will be on display at ZKM in Karlsruhe until February 2024, while the first chapter was exhibited at NOI Techpark in Bozen until November 2023, in collaboration with Museion Bozen.

Artist Talk (in German) between Thomas Feuerstein and Dr. Klaus Speidel, curator and art critic: Fri, Feb 09, 19:00


HERBERT BRANDLPortageDec 10 2023 – Feb 24 2024• Innsbruck



artist talk with Klaus SpeidelFeb 09, 19:00• Vienna


STAGE BregenzFeb 22 – 25 2024• Festspielhaus Bregenz

ARCO MADRIDMar 06 – 10 2024• Ifema Madrid


ANTONIO ORTEGAL’AngélusOpening: Mar 14, 18–21:00• Vienna

THOMAS FEUERSTEIN     STARBUCK     2023     digital pigment print, wood, polished aluminum     135 x 170 cm THOMAS FEUERSTEIN STARBUCK 2023 digital pigment print, wood, polished aluminum 135 x 170 cm - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: thoman
Tags: Harkeerat Mangat, Konzeptkunst, Kunsttheoretiker, Malerei, Medienkunst, Thomas Feuerstein


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