Laura Limbourg, E30022 Laura Limbourg, E30022 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: suppanfinearts


Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 30.10.2023 - 25.11.2023

Laura Limbourg (*1996, Belgien) beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, sexuelle Diskriminierung und Frauenrechte, wobei sie auf die Verbreitung von Prostitution, Sextourismus und sexuellem Missbrauch in Asien hinweist. Die Kompositionen zeigen meist weibliche Figuren in einer exotischen Dschungelumgebung, zusammen mit symbolischen Tieren wie…
Laura Limbourg (*1996, Belgien) beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, sexuelle Diskriminierung und Frauenrechte, wobei sie auf die Verbreitung von Prostitution, Sextourismus und sexuellem Missbrauch in Asien hinweist. Die Kompositionen zeigen meist weibliche Figuren in einer exotischen Dschungelumgebung, zusammen mit symbolischen Tieren wie Delphinen, Tigern, Schlangen oder Drachen. Manchmal kommunizieren sie mythologisch mit der menschlichen Figur als stellvertretende Attribute innerer und äußerer Schwächen, Kräfte oder Götter. Ihr ausgeprägt naiver Malstil zeichnet sich durch die Verwendung von verdünnten Acryl-, Ölpastell- und Aquarellfarben aus, die durch verwischte Konturen und Verstaubung für eine Zensur der Protagonisten sorgen.

Habsburgergasse 5 1010 Vienna, Austria

Born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1996, Laura Limbourg relocated to the Czech Republic with her family at an early age. The influences of growing up in a multi-lingual environment, exposed to the cultural and social differences of Western and Central Europe were formative in priming her to become an in-depth observer, and continue to fuel Limbourg’s artistic curiosity in exploring social conduct, interpersonal relationships, as well as individual and collective value systems across cultures. A deeply engaged artist, Limbourg’s works reflect upon and draw inspiration from the often-contrasting impressions she encounters and absorbs throughout her extensive travels and day-to-day life as an artist. Through the intimate world that comes to life on her canvases, we witness the continuous unfolding of Limbourg’s growing sense of identity and awareness as both an artist and a citizen of the world.

Limbourg’s compositions, inhabited by imaginary characters, symbolic creatures as well as real-world friends and idols, tend to merge multiple time layers and geographies. Mixing and matching real world experiences and fantasies, the artist curates a highly idiosyncratic narrative, opening up the space to new possibilities and connections. This is how a palm tree, studded with dragon fruits from Guatemala, planted in a ceramic vessel inspired by her Southeast Asian travels, and standing atop a Formula One checkered flag becomes transfigured into a surreal assemblage of past impressions interwoven with her intimately encoded pictorial language.

In her most recent body of work, self-reflection takes center stage as Limbourg takes on an introspective approach by adopting an autobiographical thematic direction. Scenes from pursuing her passions and interests, such as flying an airplane, playing tennis, or cheering on Charles Leclerc, become intermingled with childhood memories as well as encounters with friends and fellow artists around the world, as she explores multiple facets self-perception and social awareness, alongside themes of group behavioral phenomena such as collaboration or competitiveness. The independent yet intricately intertwined storylines unfurl across her canvases as pages of a visual diary.

Imbued with an air of luminosity reminiscent of the transparence of watercolors, her compositions are a result of Limbourg’s gestural immediacy. Working swiftly on large scale without the use of a primer, the artist applies diluted acrylic paint directly onto the canvas, resulting in a light-weight aquarelle-esque appearance.

The artist’s work absorbs her powerful stream of creative energy, which is just as palpable in her sculptural works. Vases and vessels are a frequently recurring motive in Limbourg’s compositions and take on varying shapes and ornamentation depending on their relative symbolic role, from examples inspired by her visit to Taiwan’s Yingge District, to Bohemian designs from her mother’s kitchen window in Prague. Her vases rendered in cement contrast the fragility of the female shape with a tough material essence – a duality that strong, modern women, such as Limbourg herself, embody.


curated by Judit Krijgh-BozsanOn view until November 25Habsburgergasse 5, 1010 Vienna

Tags: Laura Limbourg, Malerei, Prostitution, Sexualität

Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr 11-18 Uhr, Sa 11 - 14 Uhr

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