Lettre a M. Dacier, relative a l'alpabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques DKK 475.000,00 Lettre a M. Dacier, relative a l'alpabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques DKK 475.000,00 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Scandinavian

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 08.11.2024 - 10.11.2024

We are specialized in science, philosophy, natural history, and history of ideas in general, in the period from the 15thto the 20thcentury. Below are short-title descriptions of the books that we are showing at the BostonInternational Antiquarian Book Fair, 2024. Full descriptions of all of our books are available. Please visit us in BOOTH 126.For a full view of our entire…
We are specialized in science, philosophy, natural history, and history of ideas in general, in the period from the 15thto the 20thcentury. Below are short-title descriptions of the books that we are showing at the BostonInternational Antiquarian Book Fair, 2024. Full descriptions of all of our books are available. Please visit us in BOOTH 126.For a full view of our entire stock, please visit our web-site, www.lynge.com, where you will be able to search and browse more than 20,000 books.

"I'VE GOT IT" - CRACKING THE CODE OF THE HIEROGLYPHSCHAMPOLLION LE JEUNE, (JEAN FRANCOIS).Lettre a M. Dacier, relative a l'alpabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques, employés par les égyptiens pour inscrire sur leurs monuments les titres, les noms et les surnoms des souveraines grecs et romains.Paris, Firmin Didot, 1822. DKK 475.000,00

THE FIRST WRITTEN STUDY OF RUNES WORM, OLE.Danicorum Monumentorum Libri Sex: E spissis antiquitatum tenebris et in Dania ac Norvegia extantibus ruderibus eruti + Regum Daniae Series duplex et Limitum inter Daniam & Sveciam Descriptio. Ex vetustissimo Legum Scanicarum Literis Runicis in membrana exarato Codice eruta. Et Notis illustrata.Hafnia, Joachim Moltke, 1643 + Melchior Martzan, 1642. DKK 60.000,00

THE FOUNDATION OF CONSERVATIVE LIBERALISMTOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS de.De la Democratie en Amerique. Orné d'une carte d'Amérique. 4 Tomes.Paris, Gosselin, 1835-40.Lex 8vo. Bound in two excellent contemporary uniform black half calf bindings with blindstamped ornamentation and gilt lettering to spines. Only the slightest signs of wear to extremities. Some browning and brownspotting due to the paper quality, but overall in very nice condition. A few leaves in volume one with marginal markings. (4), XXIIV, 365, (3) + (4), 455 pp. + folded, coloured map + (2), V, (3), 333, (1) + (4), 363 pp. DKK 275.000,00

Tags: Antiquarische Bücher, Bücher, Graphiken, Landkarten, Stiche

54th California Antiquarian Book Fair, February 12 - 14