WINNER OF FIRST PRIZE | 6th COLOR  Catie Radney | Acrylic | USA WINNER OF FIRST PRIZE | 6th COLOR Catie Radney | Acrylic | USA - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von:

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 31.03.2024

TERAVARNA announces their "6th COLOR" International Juried Art Competition.

All visual artists from around the world are invited to submit their best artworks on the theme for inclusion in the exhibition. All types of art styles may be submitted, including both 2D and 3D works, painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, photography, graphic, mixed media, as well…

TERAVARNA announces their "6th COLOR" International Juried Art Competition.

All visual artists from around the world are invited to submit their best artworks on the theme for inclusion in the exhibition. All types of art styles may be submitted, including both 2D and 3D works, painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, photography, graphic, mixed media, as well as experimental and installation works.

Conditions for Participation​​The theme of this international juried art competition is COLOR. As humans, we see the narrowest range of wavelengths of the vast electromagnetic spectrum that lies in front of our eyes. But even that evokes indescribable feelings in us. Indescribable in words, perhaps, yet depicted in those very wavelengths we are privileged enough to see. Any subject matter holding a multitude of colors is acceptable for this contest. Artists are free to apply their own interpretation in representing the overall theme. Representational and abstract ideas based broadly on this theme, in any media, will be considered. See below for more details on submission guidelines. Please note that you must be 18 years of age in order to participate in any of our events.

Category​All types of visual arts will be considered, including but not limited to Painting & Mixed Media, Photography & Digital, and Sculpture & 3D Installation.


The deadline for submission is March 31st, 2024.*​


Awards & Prizes

Up to $3,500 in cash prizes will be given out to winning artists. **

The grant money will be unrestricted and may be used in any manner by the recipient artist. Depending on the number and quality of artworks submitted, the following prizes will be considered:​

First Prize Award | $300-$500

Runner-Up Prize Award | $150-$350

Merit Prize Award | $75-$250

Talent Prize Award | $25-$150Honorable Mention Award Finalist Award

Tags: abstrakte Kunst, Farbfotografie, Figurativ kunst, Installation, Malerei, Schwarzweißfotografie‎, Skulpturen
