- Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: citygaleriewien

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 13.07.2023 - 20.08.2023

withVirginia Ariu, Stefania Batoeva, Xenia Bond, Billy Coulthurst, Olivia Coeln, Zoë Field, Evan Jose, Jared Madere, Kjeld Undseth and Malte Zander

We are also so very happy to announce that EMOZIONALE Part 2 will be the inaugural show of City's new space in the first district of Vienna.

Very much looking forward to seeing you and celebrating together.


withVirginia Ariu, Stefania Batoeva, Xenia Bond, Billy Coulthurst, Olivia Coeln, Zoë Field, Evan Jose, Jared Madere, Kjeld Undseth and Malte Zander

We are also so very happy to announce that EMOZIONALE Part 2 will be the inaugural show of City's new space in the first district of Vienna.

Very much looking forward to seeing you and celebrating together.

Yours, City Galerie Wien

Tags: Billy Coulthurst, Evan Jose, Jared Madere, Kjeld Undseth, Kunst, Malerei, Malte Zander, Olivia Coeln, Stefania Batoeva, Virginia Ariu, Xenia Bond, Zeichnungen, Zoë Field


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