THE DAWN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION STAMP ACT CRISIS [THE SONS OF LIBERTY – LAMB, John (?) (1735 ‐ 1800).] Autograph document signed (“Vox Populi”), [New York, 23‐24 October 1765]. One page, 156 x 192mm., on laid paper Estimate: $4,000,000-6,000,000 THE DAWN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION STAMP ACT CRISIS [THE SONS OF LIBERTY – LAMB, John (?) (1735 ‐ 1800).] Autograph document signed (“Vox Populi”), [New York, 23‐24 October 1765]. One page, 156 x 192mm., on laid paper Estimate: $4,000,000-6,000,000 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: christies

Was: Auktion

Wann: 17.01.2024

New York – Christie’s is honored to present Fine Printed and Manuscript Americana an extraordinary selection of rare pieces documenting some of the most important events in American history, from the earliest days of the American Revolution to the closing days of the Civil War. Also included in the sale is The Library of Ernest E. Keet: New France & New England Sold on…
New York – Christie’s is honored to present Fine Printed and Manuscript Americana an extraordinary selection of rare pieces documenting some of the most important events in American history, from the earliest days of the American Revolution to the closing days of the Civil War. Also included in the sale is The Library of Ernest E. Keet: New France & New England Sold on behalf of the Cloudsplitter Foundation. This is one of the finest collections of books and manuscripts relating to the exploration of Canada, upstate New York, and New England. Fine Printed & Manuscript Americana will take place live at Christie’s Rockefeller Center saleroom 17 January 2024, with the lots on view at Rockefeller Center 12-17 January 2024. The sale is led by a document that records the DAWN OF THE REVOLUTION New York, NY 1765. The Stamp Act Defiance Placard is the earliest known documentary evidence of popular revolt against Great Britain in the American colonies and the first explicit threat of violence in the defense of American liberty. One of two versions of this document extant, this is the only example in private hands of this rare, handwritten document of the American Revolution.

Other highlights of the sale include documents that illustrate key moments in American history. LEE SURRENDERS TO GRANT, Appomattox, VA 1865. The earliest record of Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox —part of the first official manifolds documenting the event. The earliest contemporary record of the final exchange of letters that effected the surrender of Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia—and the earliest extant copy of Lee’s acceptance of Grant’s terms in any form. Written in the hand of Ely S. Parker, Grant's chief of staff and a Tonawanda Seneca. BUCHANAN DEFENDS LINCOLN INAUGURATION, Washington, DC 1861. Three days before Abraham Lincoln takes the oath of office, President James Buchanan writes a letter to Congress defending his decision to order troops to protect the inaugural ceremonies: “Had I refused … & evil consequences … had followed, I should never have forgiven myself.” LOUISIANA LEAVES THE UNION, Baton Rouge, LA 1861. Less than three months after Abraham Lincoln is elected President, Louisiana becomes the sixth of 11 states to leave the Union. This hand-written document belonged to President James Buchanan and is a formal instrument of secession. “ . . . and that the Union now subsisting between Louisiana and other States under the name of the ‘The United States of America’ is hereby dissolved. . .”

The Library of Ernest E. Keet: New France & New England, Sold on behalf of the Cloudsplitter Foundation

Ernest “Lee” Keet’s family has been in the Adirondack region since 1805. A private equity investor, Keet assembled a superb collection with a special focus on early French and English exploration in the American Northeast, especially in the St. Lawrence and Champlain Valleys; and on the Adirondacks. Keets and his wife Nancy formed the Cloudsplitter Foundation, dedicated to improving the future for the flora, fauna, communities, and people of the Adirondacks. Very appropriately, the outstanding library which he formed is now being sold on behalf of the Cloudsplitter Foundation and will directly benefit its grantees. The sale is led by two rare and important works: A tall and fresh copy complete with the rare largest map of the first edition of Samuel de Champlain’s Les Voyages du Sieur de Champlain Xaintongeois and a nearly complete set, comprising 30 books, almost all in contemporary bindings of, Jesuit Relations of New France. Other highlights include, Melchisédech Thévenot’s Recueil de voyages, which is the Huth-Siebert copy of this very rare first edition.

Tags: Antiquarische Bücher, Brief, Bücher, Grafik, Manuskripte


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