Playing with Paint-enmeshed HM Prison Ford Playing with Paint-enmeshed HM Prison Ford - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von:

Was: Auktion

Wann: 10.05.2018

Postcards from Prison is an exhibition and fundraising event at which 160 original artworks by high-profile artists and artists from prisons across the country will be won by lottery. The exhibition will be open to the public at Sotheby’s London on 9-10 May, from 9AM to 4.30PM (34-35 New Bond Street, W1S 2RT).

Artists including Jeremy Deller, Tracey Emin, Cornelia Parker…

Postcards from Prison is an exhibition and fundraising event at which 160 original artworks by high-profile artists and artists from prisons across the country will be won by lottery. The exhibition will be open to the public at Sotheby’s London on 9-10 May, from 9AM to 4.30PM (34-35 New Bond Street, W1S 2RT).

Artists including Jeremy Deller, Tracey Emin, Cornelia Parker and Mark Wallinger have donated artworks on postcards, which will be exhibited alongside postcards created by prisoners.

CEO Sally Taylor says, “We are so grateful to the all the artists, both inside and out, who have donated a postcard, and to Sotheby’s for hosting the event. You have a one in four chance of winning an original Cornelia Parker! Having donations from such high-profile artists is wonderful and we’ve been blown away by the amazing works by prisoners. It is difficult to distinguish between them”.

How it WorksThe Koestler Trust is the UK’s leading prison arts charity, running an annual Awards scheme, exhibitions across the UK in venues including the Southbank Centre, and arts mentoring and employment programmes.

Submissions to the Koestler Award come from male and female individuals from 16 to 60 years of age, from prisons across the UK including HM Prison Bronzefield, HM Prison Edinburgh and HM Prison Wakefield. Last year, the award had over 7000 entries from 286 establishments.

This year, the Trust has supplied blank postcards to recent Koestler Award entrants, encouraging submissions of work for an exhibition at Sotheby’s alongside renowned British artists which will raise money to support the Koestler Trust’s ongoing work. A contributor to Postcards from Prison said: [entering the Koestler Awards] “really gives me a voice and opportunity to create for a better future than my past.”

The Koestler Trust aims to give feedback to all artists who submit work. For this exhibition, Sotheby’s staff will provide their thoughts about each piece, which will be returned to the artist.

Champagne Reception and Lottery DrawThe champagne reception will be held at Sotheby’s on Thursday 10 May, and will be hosted by comedian Griff Rhys Jones. Tickets are £100, and include an original postcard artwork and an invitation for two. Those who are not available on 10 May but would still like a chance to win a postcard can buy a £50 ticket for the postcard lottery draw. Each postcard will be drawn from a lottery, with a one in four chance of winning a postcard by a famous artist. All profits will go towards continuing the Koestler Trust’s work rewarding, awarding, exhibiting, selling and championing artwork by prisoners, people in secure hospitals and immigration removal centres. A limited number of tickets are available to buy here.

Mick Lindberg, Be an Oak Mick Lindberg, Be an Oak - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: / Sotheby’s Auktionshaus I see you HM Prison Full Sutton I see you HM Prison Full Sutton - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: / Sotheby’s Auktionshaus Sad Jellybean HM Prison Shotts Sad Jellybean HM Prison Shotts - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: / Sotheby’s Auktionshaus
Tags: Kunstpostkarten, Postkarten