Remedios: Where new land might grow Remedios: Where new land might grow - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: MuseoThyssen

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 14.04.2023 - 31.03.2024

Spring starts in Córdoba with the opening of Remedios: Where new land might grow – please join us for a multi-perspectival exploration of practices of healing, repair, reparation, remediation, and restitution in the TBA21 Collection. Curated by TBA21's artistic director Daniela Zyman and featuring contributions from over forty artists –including Amazonian, Pacific,…
Spring starts in Córdoba with the opening of Remedios: Where new land might grow – please join us for a multi-perspectival exploration of practices of healing, repair, reparation, remediation, and restitution in the TBA21 Collection. Curated by TBA21's artistic director Daniela Zyman and featuring contributions from over forty artists –including Amazonian, Pacific, indigenous American, African-diasporic, and European perspectives– Remedios invites you to engage with works of art for solace, respite, and replenishment while responding to the growing desire to change the contemporary world. Contributing tools, ideas, and artistic interrogations dedicated to the (re-)generative capacities of repair, the exhibition offers a space of encounter providing a pedagogy of learning to live with brokenness and vulnerability in troubling times.

Contributions to the exhibition consist of works such as a large assembly and ritual tent, a kupixawa, by the Amerindian Huni Kuin in collaboration with Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto; a mothership dreamcatcher by the indigenous American artist Brad Kahlhamer; and a filmic installation by Courtney Desiree Morris, which awakens the caminos of the African diasporic Orisha (deity) Yemaya, rooted in Santería, an Afro-Caribbean religion brought to the Americas by enslaved Africans. These works lay out a critical trajectory connecting the wisdom of ancestors to the present time. They are a curative and a source of strength and replenishment in the face of collective anxiety triggered by the profound transformation of ecological, political, and economic relations.

In Remedios, the empowering work of repair and healing is seen as an intervention and a methodology deployed to counter the world’s destruction of life and the perpetual forces of extraction and denial. The exhibition follows the invaluable intuition and guidance of artists, embracing the anticipatory illumination of art to promote curative labor, personal healing, and social transformation. It moves us to act collectively, to feel the imperative to do so, and to strive for, following Akimel O'otham and Mojave poet Natalie Diaz, “an origin + + where new land might grow + + +.”

By envisioning artistic practices of collective healing and reparation, the exhibited works and the public program invite you to engage with works of art for solace, joy, and replenishment. See you in Córdoba!

Tags: Kunst, Malerei, Performance, Zeitgenössische Kunst
