Marlene Dietrich, Fritz Lang, Douglas Fairbanks - (PRESS PHOTO) Marlene Dietrich - 1937 Marlene Dietrich, Fritz Lang, Douglas Fairbanks - (PRESS PHOTO) Marlene Dietrich - 1937 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks

Was: Auktion

Wann: 15.07.2023

Dear photo and photobook aficionados, DO NOT MISS the end of our FANTASTIC one-seller photobook auction on CATAWIKI, ending very soon: SATURDAY, 15TH OF JULY, 8 P.M. (MEZ): ­­AUCTION ­ beside many other rare things like prints of MICK JAGGER (from the legendary "box of pin-ups" by david bailey), of GEORGE HARRISON, of MARILYN MONROE, of MARLENE DIETRICH and of FRITZ LANG,…
Dear photo and photobook aficionados, DO NOT MISS the end of our FANTASTIC one-seller photobook auction on CATAWIKI, ending very soon: SATURDAY, 15TH OF JULY, 8 P.M. (MEZ): ­­AUCTION ­ beside many other rare things like prints of MICK JAGGER (from the legendary "box of pin-ups" by david bailey), of GEORGE HARRISON, of MARILYN MONROE, of MARLENE DIETRICH and of FRITZ LANG, like a WALKER EVANS special edition, like „genesis“ (signed by BOTH SALGADOS), like a signed copy by MARIO GIACOMELLI, like a signed copy of JOHN GOSSAGE’S „berlin in the time of the wall“ (2004), ­­like signed first printings of RALPH GIBSON'S „the somnambulist“ (1970) and PIETER HUGO'S „the hyena and other men“ (2008), like LIEKO SHIGA’S „rasen kaigan“ (2013), like books with extremely rare dustjackets like LUCIANO D’ALLESANDRO’S AND SERGIO PIRO’S "gli esclusi“ (1969), JEAN-PHILIPPE CHARBONNIER’S „chemins de la vie“ (1957) and ELIO VITTORINI’S and LUIGI CROCENZI'S "conversacione in sicilia“ (1953).
Signed; Joan Fontcuberta - El Artista y la Fotografía - 1995 Signed; Joan Fontcuberta - El Artista y la Fotografía - 1995 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks / Irving Penn - Passage - 1991 Irving Penn - Passage - 1991 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks / Signed; Anton Corbijn - Werk (Work) - 2000 Signed; Anton Corbijn - Werk (Work) - 2000 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks /
Tags: Arno Fischer, Farbfotografie, Fotoband, Fotobücher, Fritz Lang, Irving Penn, Joan Fontcuberta, Krass Clement, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Schwarzweißfotografie‎


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