Sergio Larrain - Valparaiso - 1991 No. 60924797 Expert's estimate € 800 - € 900 Sergio Larrain - Valparaiso - 1991 No. 60924797 Expert's estimate € 800 - € 900 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks

Was: Auktion

Wann: 03.09.2022 - 17.09.2022

„MAGNUM photos“, the world's most famous photo agency, celebrates its 75th birthday this year, at the moment with many great exhibitions in berlin.

reason enough to dedicate a separate auction to this topic. my esteemed colleague anatole desachy (ludilivre) and i are therefore offering a total of over 160 lots on this theme: sought-after, sold-out monographs, magnum…

„MAGNUM photos“, the world's most famous photo agency, celebrates its 75th birthday this year, at the moment with many great exhibitions in berlin.

reason enough to dedicate a separate auction to this topic. my esteemed colleague anatole desachy (ludilivre) and i are therefore offering a total of over 160 lots on this theme: sought-after, sold-out monographs, magnum compilation books, signed books, special editions, association copies and much more.

For the background:magnum photos was founded in 1947 by robert capa, david „chim“ seymour, henri cartier-bresson, george rodger, william vandivert (all photographers), rita vandivert and maria eisner - based on an idea of robert caps.

rita vandivert was the first president, and head of the new york office; maria eisner the head of the paris office. besides the founders, many famous photographers worked or work for the agency: rene burri, werner bischof, elliott erwitt, leonard freed, bruce davidson, cristina garcia rodero, susan meiselas, jim goldberg, harry gruyaert, ernst haas, thomas hoepker, erich lessing, josef koudelka, herbert list, mary ellen mark, sergio larrain, danny lyon, raymond depardon, martine franck, don mccullin, steve mccurry, martin parr, gilles peress, marc riboud, sebastiao salgado, w. eugene smith, alec soth, miguel rio branco, eugene richards, dennis stock, chris steele-perkins, larry towell, alex webb, antoine d’agata, james nachtwey, philip jones Griffiths - to name just a few.

The auction already started, is open for bids and is ending on 17th of september.

ecki heuser and team

Susan Meiselas - Nicaragua - 1981 No. 58904979 Expert's estimate € 150 - € 200 Susan Meiselas - Nicaragua - 1981 No. 58904979 Expert's estimate € 150 - € 200 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks / Peter Marlow - Liverpool. Looking out to sea - 1993 No. 60925193 Peter Marlow - Liverpool. Looking out to sea - 1993 No. 60925193 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks / Signed; Mary Ellen Mark - Bombay Falkland Road - 1981 No. 61209863 Expert's estimate € 250 - € 300 Signed; Mary Ellen Mark - Bombay Falkland Road - 1981 No. 61209863 Expert's estimate € 250 - € 300 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: photobooks /
Tags: Farbfotografie, Fotobücher, Henri Cartier-Bresson, James Nachtwey, Magnum Photos, Mary Ellen Mark, Peter Marlow, Schwarzweißfotografie‎, Sergio Larrain, Susan Meiselas, Vintage Print


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