Vues exposition Fondation Bullukian Raphaelle Peria Biennale 2024 (c) Susie Waroude Vues exposition Fondation Bullukian Raphaelle Peria Biennale 2024 (c) Susie Waroude - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: RencontresArles

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Wann: 09.01.2025

BMW ART MAKERS Programme: Traversée du fragment manquant by Raphaëlle Peria and Fanny Robin

The artist Raphaëlle Peria and curator Fanny Robin have been selected by the jury for their project Traversée du fragment manquant, which will be showcased at the Rencontres d'Arles in summer 2025 and later at Paris Photo in November 2025. Both events are officially partnered with…

BMW ART MAKERS Programme: Traversée du fragment manquant by Raphaëlle Peria and Fanny Robin

The artist Raphaëlle Peria and curator Fanny Robin have been selected by the jury for their project Traversée du fragment manquant, which will be showcased at the Rencontres d'Arles in summer 2025 and later at Paris Photo in November 2025. Both events are officially partnered with BMW.

This recognition comes with substantial financial backing from BMW Group France. The artist receives a grant of 10,000 euros, while the curator is awarded 8,000 euros. Additionally, a research and production budget of 15,000 euros is provided to bring their vision to life.

The jury for this prestigious selection included notable figures such as Simon Baker, director of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Florence Bourgeois, director of Paris Photo, Andreina de Bei, journalist for Sciences et Avenir, Hervé Digne, president of Poush-Manifesto, Chantal Nedjib, founder of L'Image par l'image, Christoph Wiesner, director of Rencontres d'Arles, and Maryse Bataillard, head of corporate communication and CSR at BMW Group France.

Traversée du fragment manquant: An Artistic Exploration

For the BMW ART MAKERS programme, Traversée du fragment manquant delves into the transformation of landscapes. Inspired by the artist's childhood memories of a journey along the Canal du Midi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the project examines the ecological and visual impact of the disappearance of plane trees along its banks. Since 2006, these iconic trees have been succumbing to a disease caused by a microscopic fungus, significantly altering the region’s landscape.

Raphaëlle Peria, likened to an ecologist in her methodical approach, seeks to immortalize this vanishing ecosystem. Combining personal archives with current photographs of the canal, Peria prints these images on large glass plates—a novel medium in her practice. Using a unique engraving and scraping process, she integrates photographs, drawings, and prints to illustrate the landscape's evolution, preserving its memory through her art.

About Raphaëlle Peria

A graduate of the École Européenne Supérieure d'Art de Bretagne in 2014, Raphaëlle Peria has gained recognition through various milestones in her career. She was a finalist for the Emerige Revelations Grant in 2015 and held her first solo exhibition at Papillon Gallery, Paris, in 2017. Highlights of her artistic journey include her residency at Château Blanc in Flixecourt in 2019, culminating in the exhibition Narcissus in Flores, and her participation in the Blooming exhibition at Domaine Pommery in Reims in 2021. In 2024, she presented her solo exhibition Dérives de nos Rêves informulés at the Bullukian Foundation in Lyon. Her work is part of prestigious collections like Frac Picardie, La Cohue Museum of Fine Arts, and Thalie Foundation.

About Fanny Robin

An art critic and curator, Fanny Robin is the artistic director of the Bullukian Foundation in Lyon. In 2018, she founded the Campagne Première festival, promoting contemporary art and cultural heritage in rural areas through artist residencies and community-driven exhibitions. Her curatorial practice explores themes of transmission, relationships, and societal change. Robin is particularly drawn to artists who incorporate historical contexts, traditional techniques, and cultural heritages into their work to address contemporary issues.

BMW ART MAKERS: Ein Projekt über den Wandel der Landschaften

Die Künstlerin Raphaëlle Peria und die Kuratorin Fanny Robin wurden für ihr Projekt Traversée du fragment manquant ausgewählt. Es wird im Sommer 2025 bei den Rencontres d'Arles und im November 2025 bei Paris Photo vorgestellt, zwei Veranstaltungen, bei denen BMW offizieller Partner ist.

Das Projekt, inspiriert von Perias Kindheitserinnerungen an den Canal du Midi, erforscht den Verlust der charakteristischen Platanen, die seit 2006 durch einen Pilz bedroht sind. Peria kombiniert persönliche Archivbilder mit aktuellen Fotos und graviert diese auf Glasplatten, um das verschwindende Ökosystem künstlerisch zu bewahren.

BMW Group France unterstützt das Duo mit Fördergeldern in Höhe von insgesamt 33.000 Euro.

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Tags: Analogfotografie, Digitalfotografie, Farbfotografie, Fotobücher, Schwarzweißfotografie‎


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