Charles Avery, Facets of Infinity (Unfinished), 2001/2002. Deutsche Bank Collection. © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020 Charles Avery, Facets of Infinity (Unfinished), 2001/2002. Deutsche Bank Collection. © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: dbartmag

Was: Presse

Wann: 31.03.2020

The exhibitions Time Present featuring international photography from the Deutsche Bank Collection, and Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Projects 1963-2020 were supposed to open recently at the PalaisPopulaire in Berlin. And the Deutsche Bank-sponsored show Uncanny Valley: Being Human in the Age of AI at the de Young Museum in San Francisco had just begun. In ArtMag, you will…
The exhibitions Time Present featuring international photography from the Deutsche Bank Collection, and Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Projects 1963-2020 were supposed to open recently at the PalaisPopulaire in Berlin. And the Deutsche Bank-sponsored show Uncanny Valley: Being Human in the Age of AI at the de Young Museum in San Francisco had just begun. In ArtMag, you will find an essay on the latter, star-studded exhibition that deals with the eerie side of artificial intelligence and shows that it’s not cyborgs or terminators that will dominate our future.

Art and culture are in quarantine worldwide. Museums and galleries are closed, biennials and fairs have been postponed or have moved to the virtual realm.

If you are missing direct encounters with works and people, you can find them online. And not only on PalaisPopulaire’s Facebook and Instagram channel, which gives sneak peeks of upcoming exhibitions under the hashtag #PalaisPopulaireForYou. We have compiled a selection of links to museums, magazines, and people that offer inspiration, provide food for thought, entertain, and bring us together in these difficult times of isolation.

Contemporary And (C&), a magazine that reflects and networks contemporary art from an African perspective, puts it succinctly. We are all in this together now is the title of the online platform’s critical commentary on the current situation. In the section #museumshutdown you will find installation views of important exhibitions by artists from Africa and the diaspora.

Subscribers to the newsletter of the Villa Romana in Florence can watch a new artist’s film every week. A fascinating experiment.

The streaming platform of the New York artist collective DIS, which brings together artists, scientists, activists, and philosophers, deals with issues ranging from ecology to cybernetics in the Soviet Union. Educational and entertaining.

Artsy explores how artists in New York are staying creative in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis.

The Art Angle podcast is well worth listening to. It explains the three fundamental changes the coronavirus is bringing to the art world.

We have always loved the series Advice to the Young on the channel of the Louisiana Museum. Here artists, architects, musicians, and authors, including Shirin Neshat, Candice Breitz, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Kiki Smith, give top-notch counsel. You can even find advice from Patti Smith. The entire platform stimulates mind and soul.

We love Wangechi Mutu, Deutsche Bank's first “Artist of the Year” in 2010. Now you can pay a virtual visit to the studio of the artist, who works in New York and Nairobi. She talks very personally about her art, as well as about tropical diseases and epidemics. Meanwhile, artists in the Art21 series Sacred Grounds, among them Richard Tuttle, Mary Heilmann, and Jeff Koons, explain why the studio is a sacred place.

The Städel Museum in Frankfurt is one of Deutsche Bank’s oldest partner institutions and a pioneer in the field of digital art education. Digitorials enable you to explore van Gogh, roam through 700 years of art history, and get in the mood for post-crisis exhibitions.

New York’s Metropolitan Museum, run by former Städel director Max Hollein, is also offering a special experience in light of the current situation: the Digital Digest presents a fantastic range of videos and articles, also for Gerhard Richter fans, who can no longer visit the Met Breuer.

The Paris-based Fondation Cartier provides a particularly stunning visual experience, presenting the art of Claudia Andujar, a Swiss-Brazilian photographer who has been photographing the Yanomami Indians since the early 1960s and is committed to protecting them. A very special journey through time and art.

And last but not least, for all those who read German: Of course we subscribe to the Monopol newsletter, a classic that will keep you up to date, especially in these times. 



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