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Antique and art objects fair

Antique market Bukarest December 2014

  • Messe
    04.12.2014 - 07.12.2014
    Romexpo S.A »
Antique and art objects fair

Antique market Bukarest December 2014 - A market of art objects and antiques. Its third edition of this year will be held in the Exhibition Complex ROMEXPO between December 05th  08th, 2013. The purpose is to offer the possibility for artists and art lovers to meet during all this period. Thus, the ANTIQUE MARKET will host, for display and estimation, pieces of furniture and interior decorations, pieces of fine arts, personal objects and collection items, silver and china, old jewelry, toys, antique vehicles and many others.

The market for antiques in Romania witnesses an expected growth. As the real estate market is collapsing, the investment in antique valuable objects is considered as an opportunity, offering great profits if correctly estimated.

Moreover, as almost 5% of the Romanians own collections of valuable objects from various periods - from stamps and picture post cards to patrimony pictures - we may count, apart from important investors, on the interest of experienced people.

Therefore we intend to organize an important event in conditions as appropriate as possible, in which the various themes complete each other and bring their own specific audience.

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  • 04.12.2014 - 07.12.2014
    Messe »
    Romexpo S.A »

    Publikumsmesse Turnus: vierteljährlich

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  • Antique market Bukarest December 2014 (c) antiquemarket.ro
    Antique market Bukarest December 2014 (c) antiquemarket.ro
    Romexpo S.A